Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Hey everyone,
So its been a while and  i have decided to come back into reality. I'll tell you a little bit about the dream that is my life at the moment.
I met Sage in Bangkok on New Years eve and we went alll out.We ended up dancing all night and at one point i'm pretty sure we were eating tom yum soup with random Thai people.Anyways, the last few days in Bangkok were pretty good, considering Bangkok gets old fast.We met up with James and also met some really awesome people from Vancouver.Sage ended up travelling with them for a bit after i went off to Europe.
I flew from Bangkok to Finland and then Finland to Amsterdam.I had the pleasure of sitting next to a drunk Finnish man who brought a bottle of whisky onto the plane and then ordered 2 beer and 2 glasses of wine with dinner alone.Entertaining to say the least.When going through security i forgot that i had left a knife in my carry on that i had used to cut an apple earlier that day, so that was also a bit of a situation.
Once i  got to Amsterdam i was there for a bit and then took the train down to Maastricht.I visited a bunch of my family.. Pieter and Regina,Roos and Ted,Joop and Puck and Fran and her kids to name a few.Theres lots more to come..I was there staying with them for a few days and realized i should probably start work soon, so i arranged an appointment to meet my host family.The family said i could start as their Au Pair as soon as I'd like so i moved in a few days later.The parents own a design company so the dad is only home a couple times a month because he's always traveling.My job is to get the kids ready for school and pick them up.Other than that i get nights and weekends off, which is pretty nice.The girls are 6,7, and 9. Maastricht is a beautiful town, it has lots of old architecture and its not too big.I can cycle pretty much anywhere in the city, which is convenient. Luckily a couple girls from Nelson are also Au pairing close to where i am so i get to see them every once in a while.
I'm going to keep this relatively short.. theres lots more to say but  not worth writing really.I'll update you all soon when i get more settled in.I've only been here a couple weeks!Okay well hope all your holidays went well and i miss  eryone.Talk to son soon, love -e