Monday, November 17, 2008


So finally I have gotten to Laos.Me and James decided to split up for a while and meet up in a couple weeks.I went from Chang Mai on a bus to some random town on the border of Thailand and Laos.The next day we got our Lao visa's (which was a nightmare and really expensive) and then got on the slow boat.
It took about 2 hours to convince the Lao workers that 120 poeople couldnt fit on one longboat.I met a group of english girls and irish guys and we were playing guitar and singing.. keeping ourselves entertained. Seven hours and four Laobeer later we pull up to a small village just in the middle of nowhere beside the Mekong River.We had an amazing dinner and called it a night.
The next day we got back on the boat for another 7 hours and finally arrived to Luang Probang.The town is quite expensive but has some really nice cafes and guesthouses.After looking for about 2 hours we managed to find a nice guesthouses for about 5 dollars a night.Next time i'll make sure to pre-book at high season.So far, all the bread i have eaten has pretty much been wonderbread so i was pleasantly surprised to find out that Laos has amazing freshly baked baguettes everywhere.
Tomorrow me and my english travel mates are off to the buddha caves and waterfalls on a kayking trip.After that I'm going over to the coast of vietnam for about 10 days and then back to Thailand for christmas.. talk to you soon ,e

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