Monday, November 24, 2008


Right now i am sipping Vietnamese tea( green tea and lotus flowers) beside my bungalow in Mui Ne, Vietnam..i spent the afteroon in my hammock between two palm trees.Life is good.I left Laos last week and went to Hue, which was in the middle of monsoon season.. not fun to say the least.So i headed down to Nah Trang,almost got ripped off by the bus driver, but made it there.Nha Trang is a beautful city right on the coast of Vietnam.The weather was relatively good but was flooded up to my knees by the time i left.
Mui Ne is a small fishing village 6 hours away, it seems to have it all:cheap bungalows, amazing beaches,waterfalls,sand dunes,fairy streams.. and thats just a start.They have an odd amount of resorts for how small the village is but i managed to find bungalows for 6$ a night opposed to the 30$ the resorts were asking for.The only downside is that part of the village smells like fish sauce(due to it being a fishing village).. so i just stay away from that side.
Next i head over to Ho Chi Mihn city a.k.a. Saigon and fly back to Bangkok to go to the Southern islands of Thailand...i've noticed vietnamese people seem to be alot less helpful and more rude to travellers, which is a little frustrating, a lot of the time they will just turn thier backs and walk away from you.Also here they have "sleeper buses" which are the coolest things ever!Theyre big buses with two levels of beds to sleep in for long trips...-e


Unknown said...

Well, how does one look at those pictures when they don't have a facebook account

Unknown said...


...just joking.

from dran

Unknown said...

racist?........just for not having a facebook so?
