Thursday, November 13, 2008


So its been almost a month since i left my beautiful home and things have been going amazingly well.The first week in Bangkok was mayhem.. tuk-tuks, temples and tourists pretty much sums it up. Went to the tiger temple, which was cool to see but not worth the 500 baht.
After a few days we decided to head up North to Chang Mai. After a 14-hour ride through the jungle, on a train that has a hole in the floor for a bathroom and one fan per section, we were glad to arrive. Chang Mai translates to walled city; its seperated into the central old city (which was walled at one point) and the new city where all the modern shops are. We rented some really great road bikes to get around on, which defiantely saved us alot of money.One night i even got to pet and feed a baby elephant!The scenery there is beautiful and its alot less chaotic than Bangkok.

A few days ago we ventured up to Pai, a small hippy town alot like Nelson.It took 3 and a half hours of switchbacks to get there but it was worth it. Full of bungalows by the river,organic cafes and reggae lounges it was kootenay kids dream.I met an awesome group of people, especially one australian girl that I was inseperable from.We rented mopeds and went up to the local waterfalls for our last day in Pai.
Yesterday we came back to Chang Mai for the annual lantern festival called Yi Peng. The sky and river were filled with thousands of lanterns.There was a ridiculous amount of people and an amazing parade filled with floats that seemed to take years to prepare. Today we head up to Laos on a slowboat so i should be there in a couple days!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

well that sounds nice, but did you send your poor old parents a postcard yet?