Monday, December 1, 2008

Koala Lumps

Soo I had a flight out of Saigon to Bangkok last week which, obviously, i didnt attend.So i got a credit fromAir Asia and flew down to Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia.I met up with a canadian couple from Victoria/Fernie and we travelled over here together because they are also going to the southern islands of thailand.Last night we stayed in a hotel thats was used to be an old railway station, and it kind of reminded me of the movie The Shining.The guy who carried our bags up to the room looked like lurch from the adams family.
Malaysia is SO different than the rest of S.E asia so far.The architecture here is amazing,all the buildings look like they belong in Aladdin haha...Malaysia is a mix of Chinese,Indian and Maylay cultures, so its very diverse.Within Kuala Lumpur theres lots of different districts including Little India and Chinatown.Theres also huge twin towers and a times square, just like in New York.The food here is so good due to the multiculuralism.. my favourite is a malaysian iced tea kind of like an iced chai.. but better.
Tomorrow or the day after i think i'm heading up to Krabi, an island in Southern Thailand to meet up with some friends..I'm hoping to travel around the islands for a few weeks until i have to catch my flight up to Amsterdam.The situation in Bangkok seems to be escallading.. i just talked to a couple travellers who came down from there and they said it was havoc.So i may have to change my flight to fly out of Malaysia instead.Hope all is -e


Zac said...

Try char kway teow, and ice kachang or you haven't lived!... i'm alanahs boyfriend by the way

Unknown said...

Alanah didn't tell US she had a boyfriend, do we know you're real?

Unknown said...

Zac again... see im real cause im on alanahs account. okay i've lined up the best of the best that malaysia has to offer:

Food: 1. burbur cha cha (dessert)
2. char kway teow (need to eat it at a stall on the street for the best)
3. Roti Canai! must have! (pronounced chen-ai)
5. banana fritters (fried bananas!)

Places: 1.Low Yat shopping center (5 floors of strictly gadget shopping)

2.Pavillion really high end shopping

3.pyramid (indoor ice rink!)